Movement Therapy For Parkinson'S Patients
The MOTOmed loop Parkinson enables quick, motor-assisted rotations up to 90 revolutions per minute (Forced Exercise). The quick, guided movements help to reduce tremor, improve the walking ability and help to conduct daily movements purposefully. The MOTOmed loop Parkinson can be upgraded.
Excellent Digital Intelligence And Intuitive Usability
The MOTOmed loop impresses with its unique digital intelligence and its visual appearance. Almost all models can be upgraded in terms of equipment and functionality by means of an Upgrade Bundle. The MOTOmed loop also features its unique height adjustment, with which users can adjust the height of their MOTOmed models without tools, as well as the quick and easy switch from arm to leg training. In addition, the high-quality material of the softly rounded surfaces of the MOTOmed next generation meets the high demands of hygiene management in facilities and clinics.
This also convinced the internationally renowned jury of the German Design Award 2019 that awarded the MOTOmed loop the "Special Mention" award.
Forced Exercise
With the therapeutic movement concept “forced exercise”, the lower extremities of Parkinson’s patients get moved noticeably faster than the symptoms of their disease would normally allow them to do. A group of researchers (Ridgel et al., 2009) from the US found out that movement speeds of up to 90 rpm help to improve Parkinson-related symptoms. Moreover, a significant improvement of the finger’s fine motor skills about 30% could be measured.
Regular movement therapy in combination with medicine is the basis for recent Parkinson’s therapy. The MOTOmed parkinson models have a software-controlled motor, which enables a movement training with high revolution speed. Parkinson patients can either train passively or actively with own muscle strength. Therapy sessions with the Parkinson can have positive effects on gait ability, balance, akinesia, fine motor skills and posture. Regular therapy training with the MOTOmed parkinson models also helps to improve Parkinson-related symptoms such as tremor (trembling muscles) and rigor (stiff muscles).
Scientific Studies And Research Results About The Motomed Movement Therapy (Forced Exercise) In Parkinson'S
Stuckenschneider T., Helmich I., Raabe-Oetker A., Froböse I., Feodoroff B. (2015). Active assistive forced exercise provides long-term improvement to gait velocity and stride length in patients bilaterally affected by Parkinson‘s disease. Gait Posture, 42(4), 485-490., DOI: 10.1016/j.gaitpost.2015.08.001
Ridgel A., Peacock C., Fickes E., Kim Ch. (2012). Active-Assisted Cycling Improves Tremor and Bradykinesia in Parkinson’s Disease. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 93 (11), 2049-2054., DOI: 10.1016/j.apmr.2012.05.015
Ridgel, A. L., Peacock, C. A., Fickes, E.J., Kim C.H. (2010). Effects of active-assisted cycling on upper extremity motor and executive function in Parkinson’s disease. Presentation on the Society of Neuroscience Meeting 2010.
Ridgel A. L., Kim C-H., Fickes E. J., Muller M. D. & Alberts J. L. (2011). Changes in Executive Function After Acute Bouts of Passive Cycling in Parkinson´s Disease. Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, 19, 87-98., DOI: 10.1123/japa.19.2.87
Ridgel A., Vitek J. L., Alberts J. L. (2009). Forced, Not Voluntary, Exercise Improves Motor Function in Parkinson’s Disease Patients. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair, 23 (6), 600-608., DOI: 10.1177/1545968308328726
Laupheimer M., Härtel S., Schmidt S., Bös K. (2011). Forced Exercise – Auswirkungen eines MOTOmed-Trainings auf parkinsontypische motorische Dysfunktionen. Neurologie & Rehabilitation, 17(5/6), 239-246.
Fickes E. J. (2012). Effects of interval active-assisted cycling on balance in individuals with Parkinson’s disease. Dissertation, Kent State University.
Ridgel A., Phillips R. S., Walter B. L., Discenzo F. M., Loparo K. A. (2015). Dynamic high-cadence cycling improves motor symptoms in Parkinson’s disease. Frontiers in Neurology, 6 (194)., DOI: 10.3389/fneur.2015.00194
Ridgel A. L., Muller M. D., Kim C.-H., Fickes E. J., Mera T. O. (2011). Acute Effects of Passive Leg Cycling on Upper Extremity Tremor and Bradykinesia in Parkinson’s Disease. The Physician and Sportsmedicine, 39(3), 83-93., DOI: 10.3810/psm.2011.09.1924
Intuitive Operating Unit
The new 7’’ big color touch display can be operated easily and intuitively and offers intelligent functions of innovative form. Naturally, the display is suitable for wipe disinfection.
Standard Features
RECK MOTOmed products have a 1 year warranty. HealthCare International has you covered with timely support and service technicians across the nation.